Oxford: The Beginning

The Cloisters at New College, Oxford University Scenes in the Harry Potter movies were filmed here

The Cloisters at New College, Oxford University
Scenes in the Harry Potter movies were filmed here

Hello from Oxford! Sorry for not writing for a while–I’ve had an exciting first few days in Europe, with adventures in Copenhagen, Denmark, and across the south of England. It’s been a remarkably special week for British sports (a Lions rugby victory over Australia for the first time in a dozen years and Andy Murray’s Wimbledon win today that ends a 77 year streak in which no Brit came out on top) and I’ll write about that and other things soon, as well as my time with friends in England.

But for now, I just wanted to say that Oxford is fabulous, and quite like I imagined it in many ways. I’ve met a lot of people on the program in the past four hours, both from GW Law and from across the globe (there are quite a few Australians here). The borrowed notion of taking a small bottle of liquor with you when you travel (thanks grandpa) has also come in handy socially.

In short, we begin our program tomorrow, and I’ll be reporting more soon.