Seven Hours in Copenhagen: My First Scandinavian Visit

A Canal in Copenhagen

A Canal in Copenhagen

Hello all!  I realize I have not written much since being in Europe, but I have simply not had time.  Since I arrived a week ago Friday morning in the beautiful Danish capital of Copenhagen, I have been doing one thing after another, with no time to pause even for jet lag.  I will speak more about my first days in the United Kingdom in a future post entitled British Sports: Lions and Murray and Henley, Oh My! but now I wanted to focus on the short layover I had in Copenhagen.

While I have traveled extensively in Europe in the past (you can see my travel information on the About Sam pages), I had never set foot in Scandinavia.  So when I realized that SAS Scandinavian Airlines had the cheapest flight into London, but through Copenhagen, I said yes right away.  The layover was either going to be about five hours, or a little over seven, and I figured that while I’d be tired from the trip (I can never sleep on the flights across the pond), it would be better to go out and see the city with seven hours than wait around the airport with five.  So when I landed on July 5, I headed straight for the metro to buy my ticket and do the 20 minute or so ride into the heart of the city.  I have a friend from school who lived in Copenhagen for a while, and he’d given me good tips on how to get into the city and so on.

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