
Politics has been a big part of my upbringing and life ever since I became politicized during the debate over the 2003 Iraq War. As a staunch opponent of the war from the beginning, but without a strong party affiliation, I was open to ideas. But all I saw was a Republican Party that continued pushing for war and for social policies that seemed draconian. So I embraced the Democratic Party, and have yet to find a Republican who I agree with more than the Democrat he’s running against.

When it comes to elections, I consider myself to be partisan. Almost invariably I will support the Democratic candidate over the Republican one. When it comes to policy and governing, however, I am open to all ideas. What we need to have are the best ideas for the country, and those are never Democratic or Republican ideas. I am a pragmatic progressive. I like to push to have the world look the way I’d like it to, but I work with the world the way I find it.

Let us make the world and the country better, one small act at a time.

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