A New Year, a New Adventure: A Return to Blogging

It has (incredibly) been two years since my last post.  Much has happened during that time, both good and bad.  Suffice it to say that I was recently at a major crossroads in my life, and have decided, as my family always has, to take the less trodden path.  As that process unfolded, however, I returned to this blog.  I greatly enjoying writing for it, and so, like a ship returning to a safe harbor, I have come back here. Continue reading

The Blog’s Cover Photo: La Posta Vecchia

La Posta Vecchia Hotel

La Posta Vecchia Hotel

I thought I’d write a little something about the blog’s cover photo.  I took it myself last June at a hotel outside Rome, Italy, called La Posta Vecchia, right on the Mediterranean Sea.  It’s a little bit modified by Instagram, but it conveys exactly what the place is like.  It’s absolutely lovely.

Here’s another photo (that I didn’t take) of the seaside of the same place.  Check out their website for more photos!